Fountain & Grace & Trinity call committees
Our next pastor
La Crosse Area Synod and its Bishop-elect Felix Malpica
Magnus Svennungen (son of missionary)
Barb Burdick-Matha
Andy Helmann
Lola Frye
Holly and Harry Hinzpeter
Shirley Hyer
Karen and Calvin Nelson
Kandy Hagen
Mariam Burdick
Kathy Haske
Suzanne Soltvedt
Lola St. Clair
John, Verna & Gary Thompson
Clarence Johnson
Carol Leopold
Alan Leopold
Pete Nelson
Sharon Halverson
Judy Forsythe
Donnie Benson
1. Thank you for your continued support of our parish ministry. You may continue to send your contributions to the parish office. Please consider giving electronically continuously or as a one-time event through the links available on the parish website. Please use the receptacle in the back of the church to leave your contribution if you brought it with you today.
2. BOLT: Totally 80’s Vacation Bible School will be happening August 2-5 at Grace from 6 PM-7:30PM. Make plans to attend now. The registration link is in the bulletin and newsletter.
3. There will be a VBS Celebration on August 8 at Grace. There will be a photo show and the children will sing a song from VBS. After worship there will be a bouncy house for children and walking tacos to eat. Please plan to attend and celebrate with our children.
4. Trap shoot: August 1 at 1 PM at the Camp Douglas Sportsman’s Club. Cost is $5. Contact Trystan Houzner for more information.
5. (Grace only) Please complete the “Areas of Service at Grace” form and return it to the office. We are updating our list of volunteers available to assist with worship, education, facility maintenance and other mission activities.
6. (Grace only) We have people looking a ride to worship service. Please let a Council member know if you can assist in this way.
7. (Grace only) Grace is looking for volunteers to count the collection after service on Sunday. If you can help with this vital ministry, let a Council member know.