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"Come Unto Me" - Day 12

Welcome to “Come Unto Me” as we journey together through the gospel of Luke. Let us pray: Gracious God we thank you for the Living Word that gives witness to the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. May your Holy Spirit open our souls to this Living Word. Amen

Wednesday, July 22 / Luke Chapter 12

Today we take a look at Luke Chapter 12. Luke begins by giving us a warning about hypocrisy. He reminds us that “what is covered up will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known.” I think Luke is reminding us that God knows all. If we are hypocritical, it will come out. So don’t be a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing another.

Then in verses 4-7 Luke reminds us to fear God. Here he does not mean to be afraid of God but to respect God. As he also writes in verse 7 how we are important to God.

In verses 8-11 Luke writes that “those who declare publicly that they belong to me, the Son of Man will do the same for them before the angels of God.” And at the end of those verses we hear the promise that the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say if we need to defend ourselves for Christ. I find those words assuring as when I am at a loss for words to speak about Christ I know that the Holy Spirit will guide me in what to say. What a promise to cling to!

Next we have the Parable of the Rich Fool. The story is about a rich man whose crops were so plentiful he thought he should tear down his barns and build bigger one to store his harvest. He thought he could just take it easy and eat, drink and be merry! But God said to the man, “You fool! This night you will have to give up your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for yourself? And Jesus concluded, “This is how it is with those who pile up riches for themselves, but are not rich in God’s sight.” I think Jesus is reminding us we need to share with others. That is what God would have us to do.

In the next section of chapter 12, Luke reminds us not to worry as just as God provides for creation, the birds and the flowers, God will provide for our needs. What we needs to be concerned about is God’s Kingdom.

Then Luke reminds us to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man as He may come at any hour. O what a glorious day that will be!

We are reminded to be faithful servants. And that Jesus’ teaching may cause divisions. And in the last section of this chapter we are told to, if at all possible, settle any disputes with your opponents amongst yourselves.

This chapter has a lot of teachings in it but most important of all, it tells us how God is with us and that he will provide for us as we work faithfully to bring the good news of Kingdom of God to all. Go and share the Good News!

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