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Sunday Greeting & Prayer


Updated: Mar 26, 2020

It is Sunday morning and normally we would be gathering in person to celebrate the Good News of God's grace & love. But during this time of COVID-19 we will be offering worship opportunities online at ( or on the synod facebook page at LaCrosse Area Synod or on DVD copies). Set a time for your worship and create a sacred space (table, cross, bible, hymnal & mailed out bulletin). Let us remember that Jesus promised to his disciples - "I will be with you always!" in Matthew 28. Deacon Karen & Pastor Jim will be working out of the parsonage in Hustler. You can reach us in the following ways: (920) 660-1516 Pastor Jim or (920) 660-1518 Deacon Karen or email or As I mentioned in my sermon for this Sunday we can claim the following promise from Psalm 23 "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for Thou (the Good Shepherd - Jesus) are with me."

Let us Pray:

God, our peace and our strength, we pray for our nation and the world as we face new uncertainties around coroavirus. Protect the most vulnerable among us, especially all who are currently sick or in isolation. Grant wisdom, patience, and clarity to health care workers, especially as their work caring for others puts them at great risk. Guide us as we consider how best to prepare and respond in our families. congregations, workplaces, and communities. Give us courage to face these days not with fear but with compassion, concern, and acts of service, trusting that you abide with us always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Pastor Jim & Deacon Karen

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